nice links and chocolate

The Surrealist Compliment Generator
like an elephant impaled on the hood of a lincoln town car
Smelly Donkey
discover the sweet and amazingly lofty world of fergus today! like a house. and sign her guestbook pretending to be a Kraut rock star. all the cool people are doing it. go on.
now you too can be told you are a boring peppermint koala reminiscent of Björk! or, even worse, a visual mathematician.
Captain Matty B, Art Rock Commander!
this is very rock and there is some maths
the greatest Blumfeld page in the world EVER!
it may have moved now sorry. but jochen is sexy as you all know.
The Art of the Mix
come on callers join the tape nerd party
for kilt wallpaper!
I want a tomato
Katie has cats. They love you. She also has boys in a handbag war. Oh my god I can hear the Manics singing you're just too good to be true?!
Rock-O-Matic (featuring the tapexchange)
Petra is the most professional stalker in new zealand, she is also a pirate and an actress, a scholar, a poet! apparently.
Crawlspace Records
auckland still has one of these woooooh!!
yeah thanks for the memes ha ha ha ha
Mad video game druggedness, see if you can find the originals of the ones we have stolen!

run miles in some boy's jumper