Show some respect to Hung YehNAME
Anthony Hung

- "Hung Yeh" (The Godfather Hung ... one must show respect!)
- Master Hung
- Hung Hung

- The only male that I know who got a "straightening treatment" (negative ionization) done to his hair.
- Master of the Karaoke, the best singer that I know!
- Bad temper on the Mahjong table.
- Proficiency in linking several expletive in multiple languages within a continuous sentence. This is especially apparent during: 
(a) a Manchester United match;
(b) and ManU is losing... ;
(c) and the other side happens to be Arsenal;
- Insalubrious addiction with the Winning Eleven series...
- Distant relative to William Hung

- We all know he's got the cash, so why doesn't he buy ManU (just like Roman turning Chelsea into Chelski!). His love for ManU is unparalleled on this side of the Earth... I will never forget the time when he was watching Cristiano Ronaldo dribbling and doing his trademark cross-over move ("Charp far" in Chinese) and Hung Hung keeps on saying "Charp! Charp! Charp him until his %(^%**( mother's ^*(&* on his &#$*^$& with the &@#$ HJ's &*_*&!"

- One other time during a match in which ManU was losing to (I think Chelsea), he apparently (according to Pat Gor) swore for the entire 90 mins of the match.... just wish I was there to tape it!

- Finally, Hung Hung is a great mahjong buddy!!

- One more thing, Hung Yeh's got some crazy dance moves too (see below)!!

Who needs William Hung anyways?