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Welcome to the Homepage of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) in Ladakh, Indian Himalayas ! Step in to find out more about the various spiritual and humanitarian projects MIMC is involved in, and how you can make a difference as a volunteer or a supporter.

Our Mission

With pioneering zeal, Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena established the Mahabodhi International Meditation Center in 1986 to offer both spiritual instruction as well as desperately needed humanitarian services to impoverished people in the remote land of Ladakh. Ven. Sanghasena is a Ladakhi monk disciple of Ven. Acharya Budharakkhita who is a noted scholar, monk, meditation teacher, and founding president of the Mahabodhi Society Bangalore. Ven. Sanghasena has followed in his teacher’s footsteps, striving both to educate people in the teachings of the Buddha as well as improve the lives of the poor and needy. Ven. Sanghasena and a team of social workers, teachers, doctors, monks, nuns, community leaders and care-providers have created an integrated community at Devachan in Leh, Ladakh which provides comprehensive care to all segments of society: children, elderly, special needs individuals, monks & nuns, the sick, as well as those seeking spiritual development. The community has become a model for the region through sustainable, ecological development. MIMC is a registered non-profit, non-government, non-sectarian, charitable institution dedicated to the welfare of humanity.

Message from the Founder

“Education is not only information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life. Education means life building, character making, assimilation of right ideas... Studying in schools and colleges and getting degrees for the sake of getting jobs is also important to some extent, but education does not end here. Education means the art of living happily, harmoniously, peacefully and prosperously.”

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Spiritual and Charity Activities at MIMC

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MIMC is registered under the Indian Government Societies Registration Act.
Send mail to mimc@del2.vsnl.net.in or mahabodhi.geo@yahoo.com to contact MIMC.
Send mail to chen_chong_tay@hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Visit our Bangalore website at http://education.vsnl.com/mahabodhi
Last modified: July 09, 2002