Type: Anime Genre: Sci-Fi Running Time: 70 minutes Rated: about a TV-M (brief nudity, extreme violence) |
Released in 1993, Battel Angel brings the wonderful
manga to an OVA animated format with bueatiful character designs by Nobuteru
Yuuki. Set in a future where the more enlightened people live on a lofty
hovering continent
called Zalem, while the rest of humanity live on the surface of the Earth which is nothing more than the junkyard of Zalem. On Earth, the only source of justice is the Hunter Warriors, bounty hunters who hunt down criminals brutally for a cash reward. Ito, a brilliant scientist who had voluntarily left Zalem for Earth, finds the remains of a cyborg in a junk pile and decides to rebuild her. The result is Gally, a young girl cyborg. Although Ito would rather his most beautiful creation to be peaceful and happy, Gally cannot deny feelings of her mysterious past, and she decides to become a Hunter Warrior herself. At the same time, there is a criminal going about at night killing people for their spines, something that makes building cybrogs possible, thus spines are a lucrative business. As she tries to help her friend Yugo realize his dream of one day going to Zalem, she stumbles into cruel plots organized by a rich business-man of sorts on Earth, who uses the dream of going to Zalem to manipulate the people of Earth. Overall, this was an excellent OVA. Even though it falls short of the
full story, it manages to sever the stories involved from the full story
of the manga. The animation is top notch, especially for the time it was
done, and the character designs were by the great Nobuteru Yuuki. (Escaflowne,
Five Star Stories, Loddoss War) The action scenes were all brilliantly
choreographed as well as in-tune with the plot. For good sci-fi action
with a dash of romance, Battle Angel is highly recommended.