This page has some more statistical links.

National Center for Health Statistics
It has a lot of information and the page is well laid out and easy to use. There are state data tables and an option to create tables. There is a search option with some instructions.

Texas State Data Center
Statistics about Texas, from Texas A&M. It also includes information about the US as well as Texas.

Bureau of Justice Crime Statistics
There are sections about crime victims, criminal offenders, and special topics such as firearms and crime. There is also a section on criminal justice including information about courts and sentencing, and corrections (the prison systems).

National Center for Education Statistics
Page has some information going back to 1990. The page is well laid out and easy to use. There is a search engine for the page.

Infonation from the UN
This page has a wealth of statistical information about United Nations members. There are options about which types of statistics that you want to see and there is an option to compare nations' statistics. There is a country at a glance feature, which gives a brief profile of a country.

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