Gaia appeared. Gaia: "Elemental Soldier! The universe is doomed if you don't help!" Neo Queen CosmicStar: "What are you talking about?" Gaia: "Queen Megarea has gone to another dimension... if you don't act now... you could vanish... forever!" ******************************************************** Rise Elemental Avatar! Rise To Power! And Save Us With The Power of Your Love... BISHOUJO SENSHI SAILOR MOON: MEGA CRYSTAL SAILORS! Ever since you appeared, you have been causing trouble! [Tsukino Usagi as Neo Queen CosmicStar/Elemental Sailor Moon/ Cosmic Lights Elemental Sailor Moon/Falcon Elemental Sailor Moon] [Sarah Aton as Princess Cosmic ClearStar/Cosmic ClearStar Sailor Moon!] Destroying all of our hope and faith in our world! [Mizuno Ami as Mega Mercury, Ami!] Reviving past villains to serve your purpuse? [Hino Rei as Mega Mars, Rei!] The Power of My Love will destroy all of your evil! [Kino Makoto as Mega Jupiter, Makoto!] And Peace will Reign supreme again! [Aino Minako as Mega Venus, Minako!] Go Mega Crystal Sailors! Go Neo-Queen CosmicStar! Reach for your goal... To heal and save everyone! Until you dream is realized, continue to serve mankind with the power of your Love! The Darkness grows and Fear spreads! [Tomoe Hotaru as Mega Saturn, Hotaru!] [Princess Nova as Mega Nova, Nova!] The hatred in everybody's soul will [Tenou Haruka as Mega Uranus, Haruka!] [Princess Lhasa as Mega Stardust, Lhasa!] drain their love for each other! [Kaiou Michiru as Mega Neptune, Michiru!] [Princess Cerise as Mega Comet, Cerise!] But CosmicStar holds the Key [Meiou Setsuna as Mega Pluto, Setsuna!] [Princess Sierra as Mega Nebula, Sierra!] of Love in Her Heart! [Chiba Mamoru as King Dragonas/Galaxy Defender!] [Princess Mordolphe as Mega DragonStar, Mordolphe!] Only her can save The World! [Also Starring....Metal Falcon Bird!] [Neeblix as Himself!] [Cosmic Lights as Its Self!] [Hikaru Hikari as Mega Knight!] [Shamril as Himself!] [And Princess Mitzi as Mega Phoenix, Mitzi!] Go Mega Crystal Sailors! Go Neo-Queen CosmicStar! Reach for your goal... To heal and save everyone! Until you dream is realized, continue to serve mankind with the power of your Love! Go... Mega... Crystal... Sailors... Everyone: "Go Mega Crystal Sailors!" [Created By The Crystal Knight!] *** Notes *** Nissha Gunshi as Sailor Sun Taiyo Gunshi as Sailor Solar Usagi Tsukino (Gunshi) as Solar Sailor Moon *** Notes *** Crystal Sailors Trilogy 2 Bishoujo Senshi Sera Muun: Mega Kurisutaru Sera Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Mega Crystal Sailors Movie #3 "Mega Crystal Sailors And The Solar System Senshi Versus The Dark Youmas and Queen Megarea!" By (The Crystal Knight) Edited: The Crystal Knight Rated: PG *** Mega Crystal Sailors Movie #3 *** Gaia takes Neo Queen CosmicStar to where the Elemental King was. Elemental King: "You are in trouble unless you act fast!" Neo Queen CosmicStar: "What do you mean?" Elemental King: "Queen Megarea has gone to another dimension where you are not queen and where you are known as your old name: Tsukino Usagi. If she kills her, she kills you." Neo Queen CosmicStar: "How is that possible?" Elemental King: "You and her are linked together. Even you exist only in this dimension, so if she dies... you'll be killed..." Neo Queen CosmicStar: "Then I must go." Gaia: "Take some of your soldiers with you. They will help you." Neo Queen CosmicStar: "I will." Neo Queen CosmicStar vanished and returned to the palace. Later... The Mega Crystal Sailors questioned their queen of what Megarea was up to. The queen reappeared. Makoto: "What's going on?" Rei: "Yeah? What happened?" Shamril: "Silence! All of you!" Neeblix: "Give her time to explain." Lhasa: "Very well." Neo Queen CosmicStar: "Queen Megarea has gone to another dimension. If we don't stop her now, I could be in serious trouble." Nova: "Why?" Neo Queen CosmicStar: "She wants to kill Usagi Tsukino of another dimension. If Queen Megarea isn't stopped and my persona in the other dimension is killed, I too will die. So we must go at once!" Rei: "Let's go!" The Mega Crystal Sailors and Neo Queen CosmicStar instantly transformed. Elemental Sailor Moon: "I call upon the powers of dimensional time travel! Take us to the Dimension where it is troubled by Megarea!" A porthole opened before them. They stepped in the porthole and they vanished. Later... in the other dimension... Nissha, Usagi, and Taiyo walked in the park. Suddenly the peace was shattered with the arrival of Megarea! Nissha: "Who are you?" Queen Megarea: "I am the one who opposes Neo Queen CosmicStar. You will know why I am here soon enough." Elemental Sailor Moon and the Mega Crystal Sailors appeared! Elemental Sailor Moon: "You will not harm them! There are many of us. Beat it!" Queen Megarea: "I will... I'll be back with a plan to defeat you both!" Queen Megarea vanished. Usagi: "Who are you?" Elemental Sailor Moon retransformed. Neo Queen CosmicStar: "I am Neo Queen CosmicStar. I come from another dimension where Queen Megarea is from. For a long time now, I had been fighting her. Each time she thinks up something new and sinister to cook up. I am here to make sure that they don't kill you. Are you three related?" Nissha: "Yes. We are sisters... triplets." Neo Queen CosmicStar walks up to the three. Neo Queen CosmicStar: "Indeed you are. Now to business. You have soldiers here in Tokyo right? Then gather them together. We have an important matter we must discuss." Taiyo: "Right." Later at Nissha and Taiyo's apartment. Seiya: "What's going on? Huh? Who are they?" Nissha: "They are here to help fight of a new threat that appeared here." Neo Queen CosmicStar: "I have never seen you before. Yes, I too is Tsukino Usagi, I have a 'Sailor Moon Power' and care about others. But you, I have no idea who you are." Seiya: "We are from outside of the known galaxy. We came because the Usagi of this time was in trouble." Neo Queen CosmicStar: "I see. Listen up. Queen Megarea will destroy your world if she has a chance. Do you have any enemies currently?" Luna spoke up. Luna: "The enemy here is Dark Youmas. Only Solar Power can defeat the Dark Youmas. Do you think you can combat with our enemies?" Neo Queen CosmicStar: "Yes, as my powers of the 'Elemental Soldier' has been given to me; I have five type of powers: The five Elements of the Earth... The element of Solar Power... The element of Moon Power... The element of Time Power... The element of Universal Power... Plus... I have abilities that can go far beyond that! Metal Falcon Bird and Cosmic Lights appear!" The Metal Falcon Bird and the Cosmic Lights appeared out of the Elemental Urn. Neo Queen CosmicStar: "They can appear at a moments notice. They can amplify my power greatly. So I can handle the Dark Youmas. Luna and Artemis of your time can give me a knowledge infusion; to show me what you all have faced." Luna: "You're are from another dimension, are infusion on you could hurt you. Do you wish to proceed." Neo Queen CosmicStar: "Yes. To protect me further, I will transform myself." Neo Queen CosmicStar transformed into Elemental Sailor Moon. Elemental Sailor Moon: "Metal Falcon Bird... combine with me!" Elemental Sailor Moon and Metal Falcon Bird formed Falcon Elemental Sailor Moon! Everyone except the Mega Crystal Sailors was stunned. Princess Naruko: "What a wonderful looking warrior. You too is indeed a 'Sun Moon Child' You are indeed powerful as I have foreseen in my dream." Then Falcon Elemental Sailor Moon returned to her original form and retransformed back into Neo Queen CosmicStar. Neo Queen CosmicStar: "Queen Megarea might recreate monsters we have faced as well as monsters you have faced too." Princess Naruko: "We should go out and see what trouble that evil Queen is up to." Everyone leaves Nissha's apartment and scopes out Tokyo. Then some Dark Youmas appear! Nissha: "It's the five Dark Youma Generals!" Taiyo: "We got to destroy them!" Everyone transformed. Demoneus: "I have returned!" Mudious: "I too have returned to stab you again Solar Sailor Moon!" Solar Sailor Moon: "Not on your life! Solar Torpedo Cannon!" The Solar Torpedo Cannon fired! Four of the Dark Youma Generals except Neitherdon, were destroyed! Queen Megarea appeared! Queen Megarea: "Dark Youma Generals! Combine with Neitherdon and create a new Dark Youma General!" The Dark Youmas together became Mega Neitherdon! Celestial Sailor Mars: "What do we do now?" Elemental Sailor Moon: "Leave it to me." Elemental Sailor Moon turned into a massive thunderstorm and electrocuted Mega Neitherdon! Elemental Sailor Moon combined with the Metal Falcon Bird! Falcon Elemental Sailor Moon ran towards Mega Neitherdon and turned into a beam of light and went through him and Mega Neitherdon's dark crystal from his forehead fell to the ground and shattered! Queen Megarea: "DRAT! I am leaving this world and never coming back!" Queen Megarea vanished. Later... Neo Queen CosmicStar: "Your world is safe now. And we have to return to ours. There will always be trouble! Don't fret! You will always win!" Neo Queen CosmicStar and her soldiers vanished and returned to their time. Meanwhile in the real dimension where CosmicStar lives... Queen Megarea: "Time for the beginning of the end!" Queen Megarea thinks up one last evil plot. Queen Megarea: "I will finally win this game!" TO BE CONTINUED.... IN MEGA CRYSTAL SAILORS SERIES! Next Episode: "The Most Evil Plan Ever!" Next: "Queen Megarea launches a plan to revive the past Bruikas family and raise the stakes so Elemental Sailor Moon cannot defeat them! What will happen next? Find out on the next Mega Crystal Sailors!" This episode was completed on: 02/26/2003 Mega Crystal Sailors is (c) 2002 by Crystal Knight Fanfiction Productions. The proper owners own Sailor Moon. All rights reserved.