Welcome to SailorJade's Enchanted Galaxy Realm of Anime !

You're Destiny Awaits....

"Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


Latest Update July 8th, 2002
- Long time!!! I have finally decided to FIX my page! Yay. Its been post-poned for about... 2 years. LOL. I've had it mostly done. I just didn't upload all the stuff. I will try and finish it up as fast as I can. It'll be worth waiting for, if you are really into anime, and really want pictures! Its gonna be colorful and graphic intense. So better prepare! (Its Nice To Be Back) =)

Last Update Febuary 14th, 2000
- Hey! I haven't updated much. I just added more cursor type stuff. The rose I switched to the SM page and the planet in now in the main page. That's about it.

Last Update January 18th, 2000
- Heheheh.. I got a ROSE cursor! It's so adorable!! Anyway... I also added a new cursor to RANMA page but haven't done anything much to my Sailor Moon page. I just might make it into a TUXEDO MASK shrine or something. I have soo many pictures of him. Oh well. Keep up for future information on that if you want.

Links ( More to come )
Hotel Ranma!!!
Sailor Moon Animated Gif Page!!
Lil' Sailor Saturn's Sailor Moon Palace!

I really need some new links huh? If you would like to have your page as one of my links... E-mail me. Or ICQ #31161997

Links to my Galleries

NOTE: Only the Ranma 1/2 gallery, the SailorMoon Gallery, and the BANNER PAGE is up now!!

Click on Reni to go to the Sailor moon Gallery

Click on Ranma to go to the Ranma 1/2 Gallery

Click on Ryoko and Ayeka to go to the Tenchi Gallery

Click on Pikachu to go to the Miscellaneous Gallery

Click on Miaka to go to the Fushigi Yuugi Gallery

Banner Page!

If you have any questions, problems, or comments please email me. If you can't. Try and sign my guestbook. : )

(C) 1997 golden-dragon2@juno.com


Look!! Hotaru is even smiling for you! Sign! Sign! She says. : ) Heehee...

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