This is a touchy subject for many people.  This is how I 
feel, please keep in mind, I would NOT bomb an abortion clinic 
but I do hate abortion with a very strong passion.  
    Point #1 - let's get things strait
Abortion is MURDER, some people say "no, it's terminating a 
pregnancy"  People please, do we have to justify things this 
much?  It is killing a baby inside of you as if it were some kind 
of bacteria.  Get a clue people, a baby is a baby.  Period.  If 
someone should go to jail for murder then...uh...last time I 
check killing=murder!  HINT!
     Point #2 
"But it's my body, I should have a right to chose"
No, you don't.  You have a right to chose the night you sleep 
with whoever.  Sex was made to make children, don't commit this 
act if you don't want to get pregnant.  Also, if you are married
of feel you must sleep with someone, use the brain God gave you 
and use protection.  And don't just stop there.  Double it up.  
Use a condom and birth control pills.  There are so many kinds of 
birth control out there, abortion, should NOT be one of them.  
     Point #3
If you cannot be responsible for your actions and you "terminate" 
your pregnancy, you are being selfish.  If you are under the age 
of 18, you probably aren't married and should be sleeping with 
guys in the first place.  
     Point #4
Abortion is make our society more irresponsible.  If we want a
better world, we have to stop making excuses.  Use our heads.
Killing your child should not be the solution to your one-night
     Point #5
Did you know a little over 90% of women who have abortions need 
seek concealing shortly there after?  Doesn't that tell you 