Here's an issue everyone from the age of 12-22 is talking about. Yes, Parents, I hate to tell you, if your kid is 12 and they go to public school you can bet I have heard the most bizarre things from 6th graders. We have a problem, we have STDs floating around like a plague and we are trying to find cures to viruses? Well if you've takin Biology this is a fact, you CANNOT kill a virus. But anyway that isn't the point. Let's get to the root of the problem. First of all, I guarantee no one would have an STD if they were a, say we for once, did what God suggests in the bible and wait till marriage. Hmm.... never thought of that, did you? Secondly this teen pregnancy rate is drive me bonkers. I am the only female of all my friends that is a virgin. I am sorry, but that's sad. Want to know what's sadder? All of them have babies but 2, I have a total of 7 good female friends. I truly respect them though in the aspect that they didn't abort their babies, but still, this shouldn't be happening. More than anything, I believe the coming together of a man and a woman is a VERY spiritual experience, it shouldn't be shared with every person you meet ladies and gentleman. Let's get a grip here: NO ONE WANTS SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS ALREADY HAD. So why not give your fiance the best gift ever? Stay a virgin :)