Anushi Nadikumari Obeysekera
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My birthplace is the beautiful island Sri Lanka.
I lived there until I was one.  I now live in Florida.

I love playing softball and cricket.  I have been playing softball for six years in the recreation teams.  I also enjoy keeping score for the Sri Lankan West Palm Beach Cricket Team.  I am also a substitute player for the team.  I play the piano, and I especially like playing Sri Lankan songs.


Although I may not be a very devout person, I believe that Buddhism is the best religion in the world.  All of Buddha's teachings are very true, especially the one that states Life Is Suffering.
I am a sophmore at Suncoast High School.  I am in a very prestigous program known as the Math, Science, and Engineering program that allows children to excel in the math and science areas.  For the 1999-2000 school year I will have a very stressful schedule.  I have signed up to take the following classes:
AP Calculas AB
AP Statistics
AP United States and Comparative Government and Politics MSE Physics
Pre International Baccaulaureate Chemistry
Pre I.B. English II
Pre I.B. Spanish II.