May and Mike

Name:May and Mike. Got their name from it being the month of May and Mike was named after my brother's friend.
Born:May 11,th 1997. Mother's Day.
Age:They were around 4 months old in the pic
Looks:They were black, white and brown in patches and different patterns. They also had red around their beak.
Departure:May dissapeared(we think he flew away?) Mike stayed till she(we later found out May was a boy and Mike was a girl, Oops.)was 6 months old, later I saw her fly away with a flock of 5 other Muscovys.
Quote:They were the Twin Ducks

May and Mike by the pool. They sure love it there.

May and Mike are sitting down in this picture. There are many other birds too. How many can you count?
