For a while, this page has been out-dated and such. I shall fix that.
A while back, I found really cool, rather addictive website called Pocket Bishounen. It pretty much mixes Pokemon and Bishounen (Japanese for pretty boys ^^) in a really cool way. Bertie-chan would really love this. (^^) There's also another site, pocket bishoujo, which allows you to catch girls. I only caught one, and I haven't gone back since and didn't save the site. (O o);; They have a link on Pocket Bishounen, though, so I'll let you find it for now. Anyway, if you want to see how it works, go to the link provided at the bottom. But first, here's all my cute little babies. Please, don't tap on the glass. (You might get shocked from your computer screen if you do that!)
I have two new bishounen, for those of you who have actually come here before. (^^) They're cute...
Artemis-That's Diana in the background. Gotta love those kitties! (Sailor Moon)
Ashton! Wai! (^^) Me like... (Star Ocean Second Story)
Dias! Isn't he cute? Yesh he ish! (^^) ::huggles Dias:: (Star Ocean: Second Story)
Elios... He's prettier than me! ::huggles Elios:: (Sailor Moon)
Kenji/Tracey. What...? Pokemon is for little kids, and I need a life before I kill you with my pathetic-ness? You're so cruel!! ::sobs:: (Pokemon)
Kojiro/James! I love Team Rocket, James is cool! (^^) (Pokemon)
Kurama! Kitsune-sama! Wai, wai! (Yuu Yuu Hakusho)
Quatre. Aww, idn' he precious? I don't watch this show, my sister does. (You should see HER collection...phew... it's maybe three times as big as my pidly thing!) (Gundam Wing)
Ranma-chan. Ranma rocks. Even though he never realizes when he changes into a girl... (Ranma 1/2)
Ranma-kun. The original version. He rocks, too. Maybe more, even thoguh he's very dense. (Ranma 1/2)
Speed. I remember watching this show a long time ago. (^^) It was a really long time ago, because all I remember is that the steering wheel had a bunch of buttons, and the middle one was an H. Somehow, I still caught him. (O o);; (Speed Racer)
Trunks. Love the hair. Little kid trunks is cuter, though. (^^) (Dragon Ball Z)
Yaten! Haaaiiir... Faaace... Faaaans~!! (Sailor Moon)