Here are various photos of mine. There are many. Some are really big, because my sister saved them, so blame her. Some are also really crappy, because... I'm a crappy photographer. Yep. Updates will come by as I get photos uploaded, which isn't often.


Photos from 2004-05

Photos from 2003-04
Check out HERE.

12th Grade


Dom and Ashley at our table. Can you believe this was the only picture I took of him?

BG and Franshay freak-dancing.

Ashley and Eric ABOUT to freak-dance.

Miriam, Eric, AND Ashley freak-dancing. Oh, the sin!

Ashley and Chris dancing, which made Ashley's night. How adorable... NOT! *BARF HACK*

Kate and prom-date Brian. She accomplished her goal of the year that night, by waltzing to 50 Cent.

Man-orgy on the dance floor. I'm glad I took a picture, or I never would've remembered!

Girl who had on the exact same prom dress as me. Bitch! :p


Elvin and Chris during Homecoming. I bet Chris regrets that pose now.

John Clay bitch-whipping Elvin with his ID during his Mr. Single impersonation.

Line-up of participants in my first period during Nerd Day. This was frightening; you have no idea.

The geeks playing Go during first period.

Ashley and I are twins. Can't tell us apart, can you?! (Notice the plushie 53 smut.)


Ashley's art portfolio, featuring her Shota RP characters.

Kate sleeping in class. (It was extended RP; she didn't miss anything.)

Kenny and his "boob"-hand. He had been in a car accident and the flesh on his hand was burnt off. It was reconstructed with skin and fat from his arm. Fortunately, he can still use it fine, as he's an artist.

Kenny sexually harassing Isaac with his boob-hand.

Miriam drawing during lunch, as usual.

Sarah is homicidal! (Wearing part of my Halloween Girl Scout costume.) This is in the ugly, sterile ITV room. You can see Mr. Smith's stupid warm-up on the monitor, and Mei to the side.

Ashley getting down with her bad self at her graduation party.

effeminate position sitting up.

Ashley's brother Evan, sleeping in a quite effeminate position. The t-shirt of this boy Miriam made me take a picture of.

11th Grade

(might include 10th)

Super Sarah Allas going down on a lollipop.

Franshay's little sister, Barbara. Sometimes psycho, but otherwise cute.

Mr. Slott with some crap he just wrote on the board. XP

Elvin knealing before Kate during Anime Club. A janitor down the hall laughed.

Notice on the board for a lost bookbag in Mr. Adkins' class. I hope it found its master. :(

My milky thighs. I was trying to get a photo of this weird bruise on my leg, but it didn't show up.


The house of the white trash family across the street. They had this beat-up, Demolition Derby car in the driveway that day. It was loud and annoying.