Anime Weekend Atlanta 5
Our School's Anime club took a small 12 hour car ride to Atlanta this year, to the great AWA 5. Almost everyone( with the exception of Nathan) went in constume too. We had an awesome time there. And did a whole lotta shopping. Surprisingly, it was the guys who shopped more than the girls, though they won't admit it. When you live in Louisiana, there's not a lotta anime merchandise running around, so you exploit any chance you get.
WE took some pictures too, of us and other con goers. I went as MIaka, my sister was Sailor Neptune, Ginny- Sailor Urnaus, Nathan- Ryo-oki addict, Faizal- Jubai, and the twin, Jacob-Amiboshi and John Henry as Suboshi. The whole weekend was so cool. I even met some of my friends who live in the Atlanta area while I was there. (HI CHI-CHAN!!!! and Raspberry!!) Uh, on to the pics, I guess.
Actually, Odds are that I'll just link this to my sister's awa picture page, cause I'm runnign low on space.