(with Anna, Cel, Lourdes, Mikki and Marta)
by Neonica Noele L. Cruz

Old times, past times
the light of the sun is rivaled by the moon
hot breeze, warm wind,
souls do come and go,
weather changes,
seasons pass,
sometimes wishes do come true,
bickering, petty quarrels do add sparkle,
stars fade, the sun eclipses,
past joys are to be missed,
you have to go
that I do now know.

New times, present times,
the balance had been broken,
cool breeze, cold wind,
soon the circle is sundered
the planets conjunct,
Earth is shifting on the poles,
sometimes the wrong wishes come true,
silence, cold stillness fills the presence,
stars fall, the moon still shines,
memories are fine,
if time doesn't matter,
then no one will suffer.

Unknown times, future times,
calling the watchtowers, hailing the guardians,
invoke a power, I need not counter,
no one's here,
alone I stay,
forgotten be the place,
someday wishes fade,
will somebody help me break the spell ?
You'll soon be gone,
but then, the deed is done,
times die, and sparks do fly,
still, I wish you shouldn't have said goodbye.