You are my have stolen my soul


Aria's Berubara Fanfics

What's New!

Update 3/9--Finally posted part 8 of The Incident--Reunions.  I'm not pleased about how it turned out, but I've dallied with it too long.  Sorry about taking so long, but the work load just keeps growing.

Update 1/24--Maritza is BACK!  And so is the contest sponsored by her page.  Basically, I'd like to encourage all of you to submit fics to that contest.  It's currently in search of neat Berubara horror fics and the deadline has been extended as well as the limit page number.  Please, please participate and make this a contest to remember!  Go here!

As usual comments, love potions and random threats should be sent out to me.  Where my roarin' feedback monster devours just about anything.

Please remember to bookmark this page--especially now that it has moved!

That's all for now!
Feel free to either scroll down or use this small index

[Series] [Vignettes/Mood Pieces] [Add-Ons] [Alternate Universe] [Guest Writers] [Fanart]
[Links (to more Fanfic)]

have more than one part

The Incident-part 1

The Plot Thickens-part 2

Who's the Impostor?-part 3

Shattered Pieces of a Mirror-part 4

Personal Agendas-part 5

Simple Things-part 6

Nightmares-part 7

NEW: Reunions-part 8

Of plots and deception...
***Very Alternate Universe***
Read First
Answers to storyline/frame questions.

Bottle of Brandy part1: The Challenge
Twelve-year-old Oscar is "man enough" to hold her alchohol, or is she?

Bottle of Brandy part2: The Resolution
Conclusion--who won?  Go and find out!

Vignettes/Mood Pieces
focus more on a character's emotions than actual action scenes

Dealing With It
Oscar's thoughts on 'women's troubles'

Fine Mess
Andre loving Oscar, Andre's betrayal of Oscar. Oh my!  What a fine mess! ...

Oscar's last moments--is she fated to die alone?

Mother Wouldn't Like Her
Reflections on Oscar from someone that has watched from the shadows

can fit in the Berubara storyline

Aftermath of that wonderful ep in which we get a conclusion to the whole Andre/Oscar situation

In the Mist of Madness
This is my take on the 'Oscar gives Jeanne her mother's ring' scene

Predicting Death
Oscar meets someone who has a certain...unusual ability...

Alternate Universe
what-if stories ^_^

"You Win"
Valentine's Gift for all of you romantics!

Figures In the Moonlight
The growth of friendship between Andre and Rosalie is good... right?

What if Jeanne wanted revenge?

Matters of the Soul...or not
My first funny fic.  Will Andre's soul be condemed to eternal damnation?

To try to be a dutiful daughter, Oscar makes a wish.  However, the situation gets out of her control when the wish is answered and Oscar comes dangerously close to losing herself.  Long summary I know, but this *very* odd story (with supernatural elements) needs it (it'll probably get revised later to make more sense).

Guest Writers

Remember to click on their names to send feedback

The Diaries of Oscar

Maritza Lara
The Interrogation

Louis De Valois
No One Else But You (Oscar in Normandy)
French version-- Personne sauf que toi (Oscar en Normandie)

Anna de Jarjayes
A Last Time
I Was Wrong

by Anna de Jarjayes


Handy-dandy Links to Other Berubara Fanfics

Finished reading?  Not to worry, I know that when frustration bites, it bites *hard*.  You're looking for more fanfic?  Then you've come to the right section.  If you want links for pages of info etc you'd better just click the Bersaiyu no Bara Ring below, however if you are specifically looking for fanfics...

Versailles Dreams
Long before Aria even thought about writing fanfic, Maritza was there.  In fact, Maritza was the one that archived my stories before I even knew what html was.  She's the one that told me that I should go ahead and write.  But I digress...if you haven't already--go visit her page--it's a MUST for Berubara fanfic lovers.  You'll find some really good stuff.  Trust me.

Le Chateau de Versailles

Caro's page.  It has Charlotte's fanfic and as well as some of mine, but what I find interesting are the poems there.  Not all Berubara-inspired material has to be stories, ya know.

The Jarjayes Memorial Library: Destiny of Roses

Yay!  Fresh blood!  Melissa (aka Elora) is the most recent addition to our tiny-yet-growing group of fanfic writers.  What an entrance folks, that's all that I'm going to say.  Go to her page and check out the most ambitious Berubara fanfic I've *ever* seen and while you're at it, read her short stories.  Very tasty, I tell you. 

Narumi's Notebook

Home to the first Berubara lemon fics--very well-written and tasteful.  If lemons are your cup of tea (and you're over 18 blah, blah legal stuff) then Narumi's is the best place to visit.  For those that prefer the clean stuff--Narumi also has some other neat fics around.  For goodness sake, pay her a visit! 

Leggenda di una Rosa

I don't really understand Italian, however, I am fluent in Spanish (thank God)so from what little that I could understand--I drew a conclusion: Leggenda di una Rosa sounds *very* interesting.  I don't really know if it's a fanfic.  From the itty bitty pieces, I could understand it *is* an original story based on Berubara involving Oscar.  If you understand Italian--get yourself to that page NOW.


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