Welcome to Nuriko's Place!
~~This site contains spoilers~~
Take a seat and relax, how about a Nuriko special? Nuriko'll be right with you, right after he beats up some street toughs for trying to get out of paying.
Okay then, now that everything's all settled, Nuriko will show you around.
InFo- Read about Nuriko.

Listen to some of Nuriko's songs and sing along with the lyrics.

Veiw Nuriko's photo album of his journeys.
E-mAiL mE- Nuriko's shopkeeper, I take care of the place while he's away.
SiGn- the Guestbook to let Nuriko know you stopped by!

the messages left by some of Nuriko's other guests.
Last Updated on 8/12/99
guests to his place since 8/6/99
Nuriko has had