Welcome to our Guestbook. We would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our site and sign our guestbook and thank you for any words of advice and encouragement you have offered us here as well over all the years. We are where we are be ause of all our family and friends and their love. Thank You - BETH & DARRELL

Karen - 10/28/00 04:08:53
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/karenmoon
My Email:karenmoon@yahoo.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): Surfing the net
How you found out about our page: Geo Cities, Relationships
Your overall thought of our web page: CUte, I love the lay out!
Any suggestions: Na..

Do you have any wedding photos, and CONGRADULATIONS!!!! Marriage is a beutiful thing!

Lyn Tetreault - 09/28/00 22:25:13
My Email:lynt@ns.sympayico.ca
How you know us ( that is if you do): 2nd cousin of bride
How you found out about our page: Sent to me by Beth
Your overall thought of our web page: Extremely well done

Thank you Beth and Darrell> Iwas very pleased to receive the url . Your plans for your wedding are very exciting. I wish you both much happiness , health and fortune . Have a wonderful day . Lyn

Lily MacDonald - 07/04/00 02:12:37
My Email:lilymacd@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): from Shelley
How you found out about our page: fromShelley
Your overall thought of our web page: FANTASTIC!
Any suggestions: none

Hi Beth, I just thought that this was the most wonderful romantic thing ever.You did a beautiful job!Great way to capture your memories.

Alice Mc Intyre - 06/17/00 18:32:14
How you know us ( that is if you do): great aunt of bride
How you found out about our page: son ALLISTER
Your overall thought of our web page: GREAT

Hoping to see you in a few weeks

mike mcintyre - 06/16/00 03:09:35
My Email:mike004@ns.sympatico.ca
How you know us ( that is if you do): I'm just a luck fellow
How you found out about our page: you sent it to me
Your overall thought of our web page: Stupendous

Nice looking couple! XXX

Nancy and George - 06/13/00 21:26:51
My Email:george.nancy@btinternet.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): Family friends
How you found out about our page: informed
Your overall thought of our web page: What a work of love and art!
Any suggestions: Who could improve on what you have done already?

It was so good to see the whole story and the photos of you both and the families. We wish you lives as happy as ours. We also met at High School and it is nearly 50 years since our first date. We'll try to see you before too long. Love.

kyra clarke - 06/09/00 01:23:04
My Email:herbert.clarke@ns.sympatico.ca
How you know us ( that is if you do): I WORK WITH YOUR MOM
How you found out about our page: your mom
Your overall thought of our web page: great job
Any suggestions: for once no suggestions

great job kid

Jim Gregory - 06/08/00 19:58:21
How you know us ( that is if you do): cousin
How you found out about our page: email
Your overall thought of our web page: Terrific Idea

I enjoyed reading about how you met and seeing your pictures. All the best.

lucy gregory - 06/07/00 16:38:42
How you know us ( that is if you do): greataunt of bride
Your overall thought of our web page: wonderful

I can't wait to see the wedding pictures

Fran Andrews - 06/07/00 00:25:49
How you know us ( that is if you do): Aunt of Rhonda
How you found out about our page: Your FAVOURITE AUNT AVE
Your overall thought of our web page: I thoroughly enjoyed your whole story from beginning to end accompanied by your beautiful photos.
Any suggestions: I wish you both a LIFETIME of HAPPINESS

....An Excellent Job....

Cathy(Murphy)MacDonald - 06/05/00 01:41:00
My Email:below
How you know us ( that is if you do): relative to Beth
How you found out about our page: here earlier
Your overall thought of our web page: Love it
Any suggestions: study the family tree

I Can't believe I messed up the cousin part. We are first once removed. I did know that but once you hit the "I'm Done!" button it is too late to correct it. Beth's Grandmother Liz and my Dad Jim are brother & sister. I am first cousin with Beth's Mom and first once removed to Beth. until next time your, 1st once removed cousin Cathy

Cathy(Murphy)MacDonald - 06/05/00 01:31:31
My Email:donny.macdonald@ns.sympatico.ca
How you know us ( that is if you do): second cousin to Beth
How you found out about our page: Ave
Your overall thought of our web page: very nice
Any suggestions: Be Happy

Hi Beth....I am one of the Murphy Clan from Port Hawkesbury. I loved seeing recent pictures of you and your Beau. You havent changed a bit. Say Hi to everyone for me and the best to you & Darrel with your furture plans. Lots of Love your Mom's cousin Cathy.

Cathy(Murphy)MacDonald - 06/05/00 01:31:21
My Email:donny.macdonald@ns.sympatico.ca
How you know us ( that is if you do): second cousin to Beth
How you found out about our page: Ave
Your overall thought of our web page: very nice
Any suggestions: Be Happy

Hi Beth....I am one of the Murphy Clan from Port Hawkesbury. I loved seeing recent pictures of you and your Beau. You havent changed a bit. Say Hi to everyone for me and the best to you & Darrel with your furture plans. Lots of Love your Mom's cousin Cathy.

Donnette Winburn - 06/04/00 21:25:14
My Email:winburns@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): email
How you found out about our page: was emailed
Your overall thought of our web page: great!!

It is great Beth, I really enjoyed it, I got to know more about you and Darrell. I wish you both the best of everything!!

Mary Beth Chauder - 06/04/00 15:24:00
My Email:chocolate_girl_99@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): I'm Darrell's cousin!
How you found out about our page: E-mail that you sent to my mom
Your overall thought of our web page: great!
Any suggestions: no

Nice page!

Allister MacIntyre - 06/04/00 14:15:34
My URL:http://www.rottentomatoes.com/
My Email:amacintyre@home.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): 1st (and 2nd) cousin to Beth's Mom
How you found out about our page: From Ave
Your overall thought of our web page: I think it is wonderful, a terrific idea!
Any suggestions: Don't sweat the small stuff.

What a nice page! You both seem very happy and I am sure that you have a great future together. Don't ever let anyone tell you that High School romances won't last. I met my wife (Sheila) when she was 15 and I was 16. That was 29 years ago and our happi ess and togetherness continues to grow every year. Have a great wedding, have a great life.

tanya de laval - 06/04/00 13:52:10
My Email:spoiled-rotten_tdl@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): friend of both
How you found out about our page: beth
Your overall thought of our web page: i love it!!! very cool and very interesting.
Any suggestions: remember, all that matters at the end of the day is your happiness. and you two have lots of that!!

Can't wait for the big day! Before you know it, it will be here. it's going to be a big ole party!!! love ya both. take care

Ave McIntyre - 06/04/00 13:45:52
My Email:avesone@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): Beth's Favorite Aunt
How you found out about our page: Bethy herself
Your overall thought of our web page: Beautiful!!!!!

Well you worked hard and it shows!!!! I was only too glad to been of assistance, or should I say my computer was. *S* You are a perfect couple and I wish you many years of happiness together. I love you both. I look foward to being with you to share your ost special day.

Edie Dixon - 06/04/00 11:55:12
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:ediedixon@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): Jonathan's Mom, & a surrogate to you both.
How you found out about our page: Beth told me about it on her last visit.
Your overall thought of our web page: What a GREAT idea!!!
Any suggestions: Nothing that I can think of at this time.

Beth, you did a fantastic job, way to go! The photos were a wonderful walk down memory lane. You are both like my own, and I am so happy to be able to share this fabulous time with you. Looking forward to October 7th, can't wait to help you celebrate your special day. All My Love, Edie (Ma)

Dan & Donalda - 06/04/00 03:10:39
My Email:d.chauder@ns.sympatico.ca
How you know us ( that is if you do): relative
How you found out about our page: on our email
Your overall thought of our web page: awesome!!!!

good job Beth!!! You were very busy! One small question-- HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT??? Can you show me? Just a joke from your computer illiterate Auntie.Congradulations.

Shelley Slade - 06/03/00 18:45:40
My Email:shelley_dan@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): My two best friends in the world!!
How you found out about our page: Your e-mail.
Your overall thought of our web page: What can I say!

Seeing this web page does bring back a lot of memories. I can't believe we are almost at that time for the wedding. What a party that will be. I am so glad that I took the time to get to know you and Darrell both. What would I ever do without you 2. Y u will never know how much I value our friendship. Love you both; Shelley PS: just becuase you are getting married now, doesn't mean that we still can't get together and watch movies for old times sake, (you had to be there!) Who has a spotlight?????

Mary Slade - 06/03/00 03:08:13
My Email:slademary@hotmail.com
How you know us ( that is if you do): Best friends with my daughter
How you found out about our page: your e-mail
Your overall thought of our web page: Totally awesome

Beth what a great idea.Brings back lots and lots of wonderful happy memories.It has been a pleasure having both you and Darrell in our lives.You know we wish you nothing but the best in your new lives together.Very hard to believe so many years have passe ,where have they gone? Much love always,Mary&Stevie

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