Scooper for Pet Web Site

The Best Portable Poo Scooper in The World

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Portable Scooper / Picker is an Engineering designed Device uses for Pet, particularly for hygienically picking up Dog Poo in a Park or Street, among many other useful applications such as picking up rubbish and catching insects.

This is the perfectly " DO THE JOB ! " Device.


Have a Dog ?

Take your dog for a Walk ?

Then you Definitely need this Portable Puppy Poo Picker !

It is very Light Weight (only 65 gram), Portable, very simple, easy to use, and MOST Importantly, it is cheap & DOES the JOB Perfectly !

You can take it anywhere with you, put in your pocket, hang it on your dog leash, keep it in your car.

The Device can keep your hand clean when picking up Dog Poo, and can avoid direct or indirect contact and feel of the Dog Poo when you do the picking up of dog poo.

It is a wonderful little Device which keeps your hand clean !

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paw paw paw

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Promotion Price:

$ 9.90 (AUD)

(including GST)

(Click on "Buy" to see more detais)

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