~*...hEy, wHusSuP?!wHaT's gOin' oN?...oH fOr rEallY?...wEll...yOu jUss cLicKed iT
oN tO diS eVa sO ~*InNOcEnT*~
piEcE bEloNGiNg tO mEeH...dAt BaBeE bOo*<~
...bEtteR kNowN aNd oThEr wiSe rEcOgNizEd aS
aNywAise, I jUsS gOt sTarTed bUiLdiNg diS siTe sO I kNow isH
**bOOtY (__)__);P wACk**...tO bE hOneSt, I rEaLLy dOn't kNow wHat
i'M dOinG qUiTe yEt, bUt aCtuAlLy I'm lEarNiNg soMe pRetTy keWL sCHtuFF...it'S aLL tO tHa "gEe" thO' rOitY-roiGht:P...sO iF
yOu hApPeN tO pEep diS..tHis iS jUss a liTtle nOte tO teLL yOu
dAt i'M nOt tOtALLy cLueLeSs oR cOmPutEr
IlliTerAte...aYtE!...oKay dEn...diS iS shTiLL uNdeR~> hEcK oF a
lOts oF cOnStrUctiOn <~...daNg, I dOn't eVeN hAvE mUch gRAphixs!...bUt
pLeaSe bE pAtiEnt wiD mEeH:P...mAdD pRoPs gOin' Out tO aLl yOu
viEWiNg diS...cOmE bAck aNd viSit sOon!...tiLL thEn, tAkE
cAre..aNd kEeP iT oN dA rEaLz fOe diS niNe IzZAtE...~>dOn't fOrgEt tO tAgG mY g-bOoK bEfOre yOu bOunCe..lAteRs..*mUcH mAhAL aNd GoD BLeSs*~@}-;-----...