Links without a * will take you elseweb.

Page last edited on Monday,
the twentysecond day of October,
Two Thousand Seven

Revolt review*
Dungeons and Dragons* stuff.
Pictures* that others have done of my characters.

*All pictures are copyrighted and you can't distribute them or edit them or anything like that without permission, yadda yadda, yacketey schmackety... email Tamrmy -AT- yahoo [D0T] com for more details

Oh, and some Links*

Sign My Guestbook!*
View Guestbook*

Wanna get out of here? Here are some exits.

FurryMUCK, an online multiuser text based world.

Furry art. There are also various Furry stories. Be forewarned, some of this stuff is a bit graphic. =p

Star Wars website. Yay!

Games related to Star Wars.

Video games in general

Dreamcast news updated DAILY. Yay!, one of the newsgroups I frequent. Also:

The Misenchanted Page This is the homepage of my all-time favourite author, Mr. Lawrence Watt-Evans. Seconded only by Mr. Steven Brust. He also has a page of just his Ethshar stuff.

ADnD stuff. This is the boring NORMAL rules and stuff. Our 6th edition stuff is better. (see Dungeons and Dragons link above)

Further Confusion 2002, the Con is over... =(. Post-Con depression sets in.

Tamra Linn, my character on City of Villains. She is on the Freedom server, and just hit level 31.