I pressed the secret spot called Shinfukumen!
The Fist of the North Star

BY Buronson/Tetsuo Hara

Vol.3 "Southern Cross" [1]

Ray: I have but one purpose. To tear apart the man with seven scars! To destroy him with my own hands!
Ken: What...?
Bat: Seven scars... Could it be...?!
Ray: Betrayal, murder... All is justified..until his death!

レイ「おれにはたったひとつの目的がある。 この手で胸に7つの傷をもつ男を八つ裂きにすることだ!!」

justify 「正当化する」

Villager: The bastards! Ko! Open the gates! We've got to save him!
Mamia: STOP!
Villager: ?!
Mamia: I will not permit anyone to leave! They're more than you can handle! If you go out there, You'll only be running into their trap!
Villager: B-But...!
Mamia: Ko was caught because he wasn't strong enough to get away. There is no need to sacrifice for such a man! Ko should know this as well!

村人「くくっ、外道が〜っ! あ…あけろ! 門をあけろ、コウを助けるんだ!!」
マミヤ「助けに行くことは、わたしが許しません。 あなたたちがかなう相手ではない。おもてに出たらやつらの思うつぼ!」
マミヤ「やつらに捕まったのは、コウに逃げ切る力がなかったから! そんな男のために、あなたたちまで犠牲になることはありません! コウもわかっているばず!」

Mamia: Mother... Father... How long will this massacre continue..?
(Elder comes.)
Mamia: Elder...
Elder: Oh, Mamia... You can cry at a time like this...
Mamia: No, now is not the time for tears. I have a duty..to protect everyone.
Elder: I see.

マミヤ「いいえ。今は泣いてる時ではありません。 私には皆の命を守る義務があります」

Ken: Where are the rest? Talk or die.
Watchman: O-wow-o-wow! O-Over those rocks!
Ken: I see. Don't move. I pressed the secret spot called Shinfukumen!
(Ken takes the pendant the guy's wearing.)
Ken: This is not belong to you. Oh, and if you move one step... BOOM!

ケンシロウ「本隊はどこだ? 答えんと死ぬぞ」
見張り「あいでででででで!! あ、あの岩の向こうだ!」
ケンシロウ「こいつは返してもらうぜ! それからな、一歩でも動いたら…ボン!だ」

rest 「残り」/belong to 「所属する」

Fang Clan: Watch..and learn! This is the group assassin technique of the chinese martial arts! WOLF PACK ON THE MOUNTAIN!

牙一族「みよ! 中国拳法象形拳の流れをくむ集団殺人拳! 華山郡狼拳!」

Ray: If you've come to help me, I don't need it.
Ken: I'm not worried about you. But... why? Why are you here?!
Ray: Heh. Probably for the same reason as you. Seems we're both weak when it comes to a woman's tears...

レイ「フッ。おそらくおまえと同じ理由だろうぜ。 お互いに女の涙には弱いと見えるな…」

rest 「残り」/belong to 「所属する」

Ray: Nowadays, good women sell for a high price! He raided the village while I was gone, killed my parents... and took Iris away, just when she was finally going to have happiness for herself! I don't know what he looks like, but my father in his dying breath... mentioned a man with seven scars on his chest...

レイ「こんなご時世だ。いい女ほど高く売れる! おれの留守に村を襲ったヤツは、 両親を殺し……あまつさえ幸せをやっとつかもうとしたアイリを連れ去ったのだ!! おれはその男の顔をしらぬ。ただ父が息絶える前に…胸に7つの傷の男とだけ…」

nowadays 「今日では」/mention 「話す」

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[Last Update: AUG/2/99]