Runker Room

My Profile

My Parents-in-Law
("Fil" and "Millie")

I GOT a second set of parents the summer of 2000, when I married Dorami-chan

Picture of Fil My father in law "Fil" comes from a family of tofu makers, but is himself a carpenter, trained in traditional Japanese techniques dating from the time before power tools existed. He and my brother-in-law "Gino" run their family construction business in Tokyo together. In his spare time, "Fil" likes to watch keiba (horseracing) and occasionally place a (small!) bet. He also is a baseball fan. In addition to following the Tokyo Yomiuri Giants, he watches the increasing number of MLB games broadcast in Japan that feature Japanese baseball stars.

Picture of Millie My mother in law "Millie" works very hard and seems to always be on the go, in her house and around her neighbourhood in Tokyo. She adores her grandchild (son of "Gino" and "Ginny"), who is fortunate to live just around the corner from his doting obaasan (grandmother) and ojiisan (grandfather).

More about them later!

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