Meyers Briggs Type Indicator
I draw energy from others | <-----> | Intraverted
I draw energy from within |
I like reality, facts | <-----> | INtuitive
I like patterns, connections |
I decide with personal values | <-----> | Thinking
I decide with logical analysis |
I am flexible, adaptable | <-----> | Judging
I prefer structure, schedules |
Determining MTBI Type |
The Temperaments |
Leading / Following Styles
Uses of Information |
Career Interests |
Dealing With Change |
NT: Rational Analysts
Who Is Mr./Ms. INTJ? |
INTJs and Learning |
INTJs and Work
INTJs in Relationships |
INTJs as Parents/Teachers |
How Others View INTJ
Areas For Growth For INTJ:
Underdeveloped Preferences |
INTJs in a Bad Fit
Neglected Non-preferred Styles |
INTJs Under Stress |
One's MBTI type is determined by taking a short questionnaire about how one would feel about or react to a number of hypothetical situations. Scores are generated from the answers, placing one at some point along the spectrum of each of the four preference axes. The closer pole on a given axis is one's preferred style for that axis. The four preferences together are one's MBTI type.
There are 16 possible combinations of the MBTI preferences,
corresponding to 16 different personality patterns.
On an assessment done in February 1999*, my profile was "INTJ".
(More about INTJ)
NT people are "Rationals"
Want competence and thorough knowledge from themselves and others (More about NT Rationals) NF are "Idealists" - empathy and meaning; SP are "Artisans" - action and spontaneity; SJ are "Guardians" - responsibility and predictability. |
TJ people are "Logical Decision Makers"
As leaders: Analytical, decisive. Make decisions based on principles and systems. This rational assessment can seem tough-minded. As followers: Effective implementers of policies IF they respect the leader. TP are "Adaptable Problem Solvers" - lead by example, objective and skeptical. FP are "Supportive Coaches" - warm, flexible leaders and energetic followers; FJ are "Values-based Decision Makers" - warm, decisive leaders and loyal followers. |
IN people are "Thoughtful Innovators"
To us, knowledge is important for its own sake. IS are "Thoughtful Realists" - knowledge is important to establish the truth; ES are "Action-oriented Realists" - knowledge is important for its practical uses; EN are "Action-oriented Innovators" - knowledge is important for changing reality. |
NT people are "Rationals"
We focus on the possibilities of the application of theoretical and technical frameworks. We are well suited for work in research, computers, engineering, physical science, and management. (More about NT Rationals) NF want to understand and encourage people (teaching, psychology, health care); SF want to provide practical help for people (health care, teaching, support service); ST want to use technical skills, objects and facts (business, banking, production). |
IJ people are "Decisive Introverts"
When changes are proposed, we check them against our internal perceptions. If the changes "fit" we move quickly to implement them. IP are "Adaptable Introverts" - are curious, seek information to justify change; EP are "Adaptable Extraverts" - want to find out what everybody else thinks; EJ are "Decisive Extraverts" - question change out loud, move quickly if they get the right answers. |
INTJ is one of the four
Rational NT (Analyst) MBTIs:
This is the "Knowledge Seeking Personality" -- trusting in reason and hungering for achievement. They are usually pragmatic about the present, skeptical about the future, solipsistic about the past, and their preferred time and place are the interval and the intersection. Educationally they go for the sciences, avocationally for technology, and vocationally for systems work. Rationals tend to be individualizing as parents, mindmates as spouses, and learning oriented as children. Rationals are very infrequent, comprising as few as 5% and no more than 7% of the population. |
To the ANALYST, life is about architecture and invention:
"building the better mousetrap." They view life as an intellectual pilgrimage.
ANALYSTs love change, and continually question how and why things are done a particular way. They are revisers, critics, planners, boat-rockers, changers, idea-people, innovators. Analysis, analysis! ANALYSTs are anti-authoritarian sceptics, rarely awed by title or rank, money or magnitude, and often tend to get into trouble for "bucking the system". The ANALYST pastimes include serious reading, music listening, film watching, concert going, museum browsing and the like. Some might think they don't want to live life, just learn about it! ANALYSTs select friends for their intelligence, competence and knowledge |
"Coordinator: Mastermind"
"I" I am quiet, reserved and a little hard to know, though I do have a social side. I need more peace and privacy than most people. I tend to think without speaking. I am an INTROVERT |
"N" I am imaginative, creative and idealistic. I always look toward future possibilities, asking what things mean on a larger scale. I am an INTUITIVE |
"T" I am logical and I tend to make decisions on a rational, impersonal basis. Reason runs my life. I am a THINKER |
"J" I like to be organized. I like to get to the bottom line, make decisions, know where I'm going, where I stand, rather than wandering around aimlessly. I am JUDGING |
This NT subtype is rather rare, comprising no more than 1% of the population.
INTJ corresponds to The Enneagram Institute's Personality Type 5: The Investigator
Maybe the MBTI is just quasi-scientific astrology, but it goes further than anything else so far -- Zodiac sign, Chinese calendar year, or blood type -- to explain my life.
Content of this page was heavily borrowed from:
Briggs Myers, I. "Introduction to Type", 6th edition, Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.
(www.mbti.com) Palo Alto 1998.
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Page first posted 14 March 1999
Last updated 21 May 2000