Ukyou Kuonji
Defeated: Kodachi
Defeated By: Ryouga & Azusa (while teamed with Mikado), Shampoo
Individual Stats
Wins - Losses | Win % | Total Votes | Vote % |
1 - 2 | 33.3% | 40 | 57.9% |
Martial Arts Style: Freestyle (Okonomiyaki Martial Arts)
Cursed Form: No curse.
Strengths: Ukyou excells at ranged combat. With her giant spatula, she can easily keep her opponents back, and with her throwing spatula, she can attack them from even greater distances. Her unorthodox tactics can keep people off guard if they don't know what to expect. She was even able to give Ranma, an Anything-Goes martial artist a tough time keeping up with her strange techniques. When Ukyou becomes very determined to fight, for Ranma or any other reason, she can become much harder to defeat.
Weaknesses: At close quarters, Ukyou is at a great disadvantage. Her giant spatula is too large and cumbersome to use effectively on an opponent who is close enough to use their fists. Additionally, if she loses her spatula, she will have to fall back on her hand to hand skills, which are none too impressive. Since Ukyou is a cook first and a martial artist second, she is perhaps not as powerful as she has the potential to be. After giving up on her quest for vengeance, it's understandable that she would no longer practice against the raging seas.
Weapons: Ukyou's primary weapon is her giant spatula. She uses it two-handed, since it would be too heavy to use otherwise. The end of it is bladed, and she uses it as either a giant polearm or just a staff when she fights. Aside from this, she also uses her mini-spatulas, which are stored in the bandolier she wears. She throws the small bladed spatulae like shuriken at her enemies.
Special Moves:
Ukyou's flour bomb is pretty much what it sounds like. She pulls out a bag full of flower, and throws it at her opponent, usually hitting them in the face, or causing them to block with whatever weaponry they have. When the bag hits, it explodes into a large cloud of flour, which blinds the victim. Ukyou will usually utilize this opening to follow up with another attack from her giant spatula.
Ukyou also has an attack she executes by throwing noodles at her opponents, which will wrap around their arms or legs. In the victim's wrapped up state, they are open to many other attacks..
With the right pre-battle preparations, Ukyou can make all sorts of strange food weaponry, including but not limited to, batter mix that contains rubber cement, which can immobilize opponents, and also tempura flakes mixed in with gunpowder, which she spreads through the air around her victim, and then ignites.