Welcome to the Sailor Triangle Homepage!

Welcome- this is your last chance to turn back before being thrust into the silly saga that is the Sailor Triangle. (Everyone leaves) Eh heh. Perhaps I should explain.

Everyone knows Sailor Moon! Right? If you don't I'm surprised you got to this page- because the only links leading to it have to do with anime in some respect, and Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is one of the most popular animes ever to be created. All hail the almighty Naoko Takeuchi for that.
(Everyone hails)

Everyone has probably also heard of a little thing called fan fiction. Y'know where you take the pre-existing characters of a wildly popular show and make them do whatever you *thought* they should have done in the show- even if the didn't. The Bermuda Triangle- coincidentally founders of the
Cervantes Anime Club (plug plug plug) one boring day in August after school began decided to take one of their favorite shows, and twist it around a little bit. (Everyone groans)

Just what is the Bermuda Triangle? Well, other than a geographic phenomenon- that's what we call our group of friends. (there's three of us-- see the joke now?) Being the anime fans we are- we tried our hands at fan fictions, and fan art- all fun stuff-- but being lovers of parodies- always thought it'd be fun to REALLY mess with a show. And thus the Sailor Triangle was born.

So who's the girl in the fuku at the top of the page? Heh, that's me, Catherine Ramos- alias Sailor Sapphire, comic relief and for some reason leader of the Sailor Triangle. On this page- I'll be explaining the Bermuda/Sailor Triangle (or at least trying very hard) as well as posting all the stories that we, or our friends have written. If you love Sailor Moon, love parodies, and hate algebra- then you're bound to like the Sailor Triangle. Or at least not hate it. Not send hate mail? Not tell geocities to kick us off? Ermm... well-- enjoy!

The Sailor Triangle!!!

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Just me being crazy

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The Sailor Moon Parody Ring This site in The Sailor Moon Parody Ring is owned by Catherine.
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