Republic of Korea (South) John's Home Page about Korea Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North)

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National flags indicate the languages written in.
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- M E N U -

Music MIDI files of Korean songs English Korean Japanese
Korean folk songs, and North Korean Military songs, etc.

Radio Korean Central Broadcasting Station English Korean Japanese
Let's listen to Korean radio broadcast On-Line with PC sound files !

Voice Kim Jeong-Il's voice (WAVE file)
" Be glory, to the heroic soldiers of Korean people's force ! "

My Computers My Computers EnglishJapanese
PC/AT, Windows98 & NEC PC-9801, FreeBSD

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Main Page My Main Home Page

BGM: Spring in My Home Village (Ko-hyang eui Pom)

Run, the Unified International Train !

This is a home page about both Republic of Korea (South Korea)
and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
I am a Japanese whose ancestors colonized Korea.
I am free from both governments in expressing opinions.
I want to help Korean people in both parts understanding each other.

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