

- a very special maritime community -

- part 2 -

Here I will continue to display some of my images of Marstal photographed in April 2006.
Please enjoy - - -  :-)

But back to the real maritime side, - featuring the very impressive and interesting Marstal Maritime Museum.
Here a model of what the port in Marstal looked like during its heyday as the home for a major sailing ship community.

Marstal Maritime Museum also have a great collection of marine paintings.
Here a Marstal schooner fighting huge waves at open sea - -

"Skipper Huset" - the "Skipper House"

A little further down the road from the old iron ring in the road, you will find this well maintained house, which is decorated with a sign board indicating that this was once the house of a Sea Captain.

Here is the sign board,- beautiful , - very maritime-, and made like the name plate from a ship - - -
Lots of old Marstal houses have name signs like this on their walls - -

Here a closer view - - -

"Marineforeningen" , - The Navy Club -, in Marstal.

Being an old maritime nation, it is quite common, that even small cities in Denmark have their own branches of the Navy Club.
Of course Marstal also has its Navy Club, - and what a club!
This building really sends out signals that indicate that the Navy Club in Marstal is something special, - far more impressive than what you will normally expect to see in such a small city.


At this point I have decided to make a link to another unique city on the island of Ærø - (Aeroe) - , Ærøskøbing - (Aeroeskoebing).
It is only 11 km. away from Marstal, and although it does not quite have the same maritime past as Marstal, it does have considerable maritime traditions, but is mainly known for it's truly unique old city atmosphere - - -

See why on this link to   Ærøskøbing

Also you might be interested in more about "Staffordshire Dogs" and other maritime symbols???

Please click  HERE

Updated:  May 20. 2006
               May 22. 2006 1