- featuring -
- page two -
- incl. her sister ships, crew
and Greenland -
SKA 3, -SKA 4, -SKA-5, -SKA
6 side by side in Sukkertoppen.
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
Niels trying to make new friends
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA boats, - through narrow
channels on the way to the survey area -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
At the survey area, - SKA 5
and behind SKA 3
- take note of the two rubber
boats. They also carry echo sounders -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
A closer view of a rubber boat
with echo sounder equipment
Peter navigating the boat,
while Jan Walseth is in charge of the equipment -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA boat running aground
- other SKA boats and rubber
boats standing by -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4 Engineer Karsten Petersen,
- the web master
- Greenland is GREAT! - But
now, - please have a look inside a SKA boat! -
(Photography: Unknown)
- Jan and Jørgen in
the main cabin -
(The shot gun on the wall is
NOT navy armament, but we used it for hunting.)
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4 - a look into the forward
cabin, - my cabin -, sharing with Jørgen.
- take note of the watertight
door, that would save the ship if the forward compartment got water filled
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4, - the forward cabin,
and my room mate Jørgen reading a book, - very intellectual!
The name of the book?
"Death Drives Cadillac"
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4's very small galley and
Chief Cook
- this is Peter,- professional
sailor from Hirtshals -, now turned Cook on SKA 4 -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
And here the wheel house of
- the entrance to the main
cabin is seen to the left -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
The wheel house also served
as beauty parlor.
- SKA 4 Cook Peter gets a haircut
from SKA 6 Engineer Thorkild -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4, - a look into her engine
room from the wheel house
- this small hatch is the only
entrance into the engine room -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4 - engine room, port side
- view to the small 1-cyl.
auxiliary engine for use in port -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4 - engine room, starboard
- a view in the opposite direction
towards the main switchboard -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4 engine room
- looking aft -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
Peter, - the Cook -, with fresh
caught dinner
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
SKA 4 at anchor at a small
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
The purpose was to establish
a transmitter on a known position, - the island -, so that the SKA boats
could determine their positions in relation to that transmitter, when they
later on sailed up and down along pre planned lanes while taking echo sounder
measurements of the sea bottom.
In that way it was possible
for the boats to plot their positions, - with corresponding depth measurements
-,for use in future charts -
This sounds terribly complicated
and difficult, - and it is -, when compared to modern day's satellite navigation
systems where you anywhere and any time can see your exact position and
track plotted directly on a computer screen - - -
Landing batteries and a portable
generator on a small island
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
This is the hardest part of
the job - - -
These batteries are lead/acid
batteries and VERY heavy, - to put it mildly -, and handling them in a
small rubber boat is a nightmare, which actually gets worse, when they
have to be landed on the very slippery rocks - - - a true wonder that we
did not loose any of them - - -
Then comes the VERY exhausting
work of transporting these batteries and other equipment up to the very
top of the island, which have no steps and no roads, but only steep rocks
all the way up - - - -
The previous picture shows
the view from the top of the island, and gives a good impression of the
terrain and how hard it necessarily must be to climb up there with a heavy
load on your back - - -
The signal transmitter, - a
"raydist" station -, is established
Jørgen, - the electronic
wizard -, is trying to get it going -
This one would be referred
to as "red station", - see the red wires spread out from the base of the
main antenna -
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
When finished, - the "raydist"
station has to be dismantled again and everything has to be brought back
to the boats.
Here is what it looks like
when a couple of hard working navy boys carry the heavy lead/acid batteries
down from the top.
(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)
Click here for the "SKA boat" story page three
Page initiated.: Oct.06.2006
Updated.......: Oct.07.2007,
- Oct.14.2006, - Oct.22.2006