Aahh yes, this is the page where you can see who has been reviewed.
I hope more people sign up for this because this is kind of fun and it will help
you see what is wrong with your webpage.

Name: Angel
Site Name: Magical World of Sailor Moon

Well, when I first entered the site... Netscape unexpectedly quite, so I tried again...
I got in. The page seemed very nice, but there where a lot of misspelled words.
There were a few things to do, one thing was the fashion. That was quite nice.
The profiles where OK, some of the data was a little off because isn't Rei a
vegetarian? That's what I thought at least. Even if she isn't, some of the data
was still wrong.
The page just needed more. What I can say is that, if they fix their errors then
I will review their page again and maybe give them a higher mark.
By the way....
What really dropped the score is that, I clicked on your Sailor Jupiter fan
art picture on the enter page and my computer crashed. Please fix that.
