After reading the PSME manga series and watching the OVAs, we totally fell in love! Here's some information about the series and the author!
The Please Save My Earth series was written by Saki Hiwatari. There are 21 books to the series and all of them are really good. ^___^ The series began in 1988 (never knew it was so old) and ended in 1994 with the most colorful, and interesting book of all. The OVAs consisted of six awesome videos (our story pages are based on that) and you can find the video covers in "STORY 1-6" pages. The books are now (400y) $5.00 in US dollars each, but the shipping fees are really high. Can you believe it took 9 long years to finish? If you haven't read the books or watched the videos, do it! The mangas are a bit hard to get, but you can always order them on the web. I hope you enjoy our site. Come back often and don't forget to sign our message board!