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The Newcastle Chinatown

Graphic reproduced courtesy of Chinatown Online

News and Events
Skills Audit

As a "guest" overseas, my mind is in 
the motherland and  our remote origin, 


Making my home globally, I hold hands with new friends  
to keep our heritage for generations to come. 




Most of the small businesses around Stowell Street area of Graingertown, in central Newcastle are in the Catering industry. Although catering is quite a profitable sector, under normal economic circumstances, it can be one of the first affected during any kind of recession, such as is predicted for the North East Region. This places the business-people, most of whom are from the Chinese Community, in a very precarious position.

At the same time there is compelling evidence that, although unemployment is almost unknown in this community, under-employment is common. Many highly qualified and skilled Chinese people are engaged in menial jobs in catering.

Our Mission

This project aims to show that other types of business are possible and will work with the younger members of the Community currently under-employed, to identify appropriate business opportunities which make better use of their skills. 

This Programme is open to Newcastle residents who have a business, or perhaps family, links with the Stowell Street area, or Chinese students who are thinking about self-employment and need guidance on how to progress their business ideas, or would like to consider the graduates into business approach of finding suitable employment.

Company Profile

The Dragon Project is part of the Graingertown Initiative, a partnership designed to breathe new life into the central area of Newcastle upon Tyne. Already celebrated for its shopping, restaurants and night life, the area also has its problems. and will not achieve its full potential until these issues are addressed.

The Dragon Project tackles the very special issues relating to the Chinatown area of Stowell Street, on the West side of Graingertown. ENTRUST, one of the region's largest and best known enterprise agencies, manages the project.

The focus of the Dragon Project is to look into and take action on strategic employment issues among the Chinese community. There is a concern that the Catering sector, which has traditionally provided nearly all the employment to the community, is under pressure. The over concentration in one sector also leaves the whole Chinese community very vulnerable. Nor can catering cannot necessarily be relied upon to deliver the aspirations of the growing second generation.

The programme has evolved since its inception and is now actively involved with various discussion groups designed to encourage participants to identify business opportunities. When particular opportunities arise the participants can be made aware of the training, development and other support services that will be made available through Entrust. Research with the programme is ongoing to establish and encourage networking opportunities between existing businesses.

The Dragon Project is jointly funded by the European Regional Development Fund through Government Office North East and the Single Regeneration Budget through the Graingertown Project.

European Flag

Contact Information

Direct Line:0044(0)191-2331522
          Office Line:0044(0)191-2305050
Postal address
The Dragon Project
Business Advice Centre
Anderson House
Market Street
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 6XA 
Electronic mail
General Information:

Dragon Project is not responsible for the content of external links from this site. 

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Copyright © 1999-2001 Designed & Maintained by : The Dragon Project-Tony Yau, music by Hsiang-Wei Chang 
Last modified: December 30, 2001