PikaBizkit's ~Tater~ *House*
This site is rated "Y" for Yummy.
                   ~MONTHLY PiKa Times~
07/23/02- (12:28 A.M.) So a good half a year passes before I do somewhat of a change to ye olde Tater House..but that's okay (o^-^o) it's still around! I think the whole reason that it was so neglected was cuzz right after Christmas (which was the last time i updated..) was cuzz i got obsessed with a game called Dance Dance Revolution. You can thank our good pal Davey (Celcius) for getting me into it..ever since i started playing it at home and at the arcades - i've made tons of friends who're incredibly cool (o^^o) it's kina weird goin somewhere an actually being called "Pika". i thought Davey was the only one who still called me that :P anywho..there's a tourny coming up on Aug. 3rd that i'm really excited about. i'll be a character named
Devil-Zukin. (<-click for pic!) its from a winamp skin..so sorry for the buttons. but she wears a huge plaid skirt an boots. As for the page? the Me section is being updated as i type, and the Sound House has brand new wave's to scare you. yay! i'll be seein ya :D ~PiKa or Laura
Where do ya wanna cook today?
The Sound House - a collection of recordings of me and my friends..kina scary actually.
Wha's a Bizkit? WHO r the Bizkits? well just clicky right here an find out!
Clicky here for a page of my own and some friends art! (Old Art)
It's a PiKa-Page! ..a page about myself including some pix of me n'friends at the end.
gimme a grape or i'll bust out the big guns, you punk!
whoo! 1000 hits! ..mostly me..hehe