MIDI Gallery
I have compiled a midi file with all the Evangelion Midi Files I have collected. Click Here for the midi file.
The midi zip contains the following:
- Angattac2.mid
- The song played when the Angels attack.
- Angattack.mid
- Another version of the Angel attack.
- asustrik.mid
- The music to the episode "Asuka Strikes!"
- battle.mid
- Decisive Battle
- cruel_mid.mid
- The Cruel Angels Thesis (AKA Theme Song)
- cruel_mid2.mid
- Another version of the song above.
- dance.mid
- Song: Both of you dance like you want to win.
- eva-00.mid
- Eva Unit 00
- evaborderline.mid
- Borderline Case
- evaend.mid
- This is the end theme song; Fly Me To The Moon.
- evaendrock.mid
- A rock version of Fly Me To the Moon.
- fly1.mid
- Yet another version of fly me to the moon.
- hedgehog.mid
- Music to episode: Hedgehog's Dilemma
- misato.mid
- Misato
- misato2.mid
- The same thing as the one above, slightly different.
- rei01.mid
- Music to episode: Rei I
- soul.mid
- Soul Refrain
Thanks. Midi studio last updated August 23rd. More added when I can.
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