Professional Associates

Bethany Young, Associate, Consulting and Analysis

Bethany Young began her relationship with Consumer Insights, Inc. as a valued client at General Motors Advanced Technology Vehicles division. During her 15-year career at GM, she built a broad range of experience in developing and marketing new vehicles across multiple divisions. While at GMATV she oversaw a three-year, 11-city drive study of electric vehicle prototypes placed for a 2-week in the analysis and dissemination of data from 1,000 drivers encompassing over 500,000 miles of diary entries, as well as product and launch concept ideas developed over the course of 96 focus groups. Beth is known for her sharp intellect, marketing savvy, and excellent writing skills. When requested, she assists Consumer Insights during study development, fielding, and analysis.

Todd Fadoir, Associate, Technology Integration

Prior to operating his own computer consulting firm, Todd was an instructor at OSM Tech, an integrated math and science program for seven suburban Detroit school districts. Prior to this position, he was a software developer and management liaison within the University of Michigan Office of Industrial Technology, a business unit assigned the task of integrating high technology as a tool into non-technical areas of the University. Todd regularly consults with Consumer Insights, Inc. to assist us in using technology to capture customer response, as well as increasing efficiency in turnaround time and error reduction. Todd holds degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from Michigan State University and the University of Michigan.

Jeffery Williams, Associate, Data Processing

Jeffery formed his own firm, J.B Williams and Associates which specializes in data processing and tabulations for a variety of clients, including Consumer Insights, Inc. In progressively responsible positions for three major research firms over the past ten years, Jeff has supervised every aspect of the data processing function, including data entry, tabulations, and CATI programming. Jeff supervises all of the data processing and tabulation activities of Consumer Insights, Inc., and is known for quick turnaround and impeccable data quality.

Carol Teall, Associate, Field Support

Ten years ago Carol Teall recognized a significant need among automotive research suppliers for consistently trained and highly professional interviewing and supervisory staff available for central location and intercept studies. Since forming Teall and Associates, she and her staff have assisted in hundreds of studies for both automotive and major packaged good manufacturers. Carol partners with Consumer Insights, Inc. for clinics and other intercept interview projects, providing field supervision as well as interviewers.