

The 214 radicals of the KangXi Dictionary provided a convenient indexing system for looking up meanings and usage of the characters from old texts. It is said that the vast majority of characters found the KangXi dictionary are variants.

The characters on this page are found encoded in Unicode 2.1. They are drawn from the Chinese hanzi, Japanese kanji and Korean hanja character set standards for computer information interchange.

There is a total of one hundred pairs of characters, which may or may not be commonly used in handwriting. Their inclusion in the character standards show variants have a fair degree of frequency of use to have been chosen. The list is not intended to be comprehensive, but they help to demonstrate the various forms that existed before language reform in writing and printed materials and prior to the reform of the written language in 1950's China.


並竝 亘亙 個箇 傑杰 兌兑

冊册 凳櫈 台臺 刴剁 劍劒

劫刧 却卻 吊弔 同仝 唇脣

囘回 囻國 坤堃 圩墟 姉姊

壹弌 够夠 娘孃 學斈 寔實

峯峰 并幷 強强 担擔 晒曬

朞期 杯盃 槍鎗 沈沉 沙砂

溪谿 澀澁 灶竈 炮砲 烟煙

燈灯 牀床 狸貍 留畱 疎疏

皓暠 眞真 研硏 礦鑛 窗窻

笋筍 籖籤 綫線 総總 罵駡

羣群 脚腳 臥卧 舉擧 菓果

萬万 藥葯 蝦鰕 衮袞 覊羈

証證 艷豔 豬猪 赶趕 軟輭

迫廹 鄰隣 錘鎚 閑閒 陽氜

隷隸 雁鴈 靑青 面靣 韭韮

韵韻 飃飄 騒騷 骵體 鬦鬪

鬧閙 鰐鱷 鴉鵶 鵝鵞 鶯鸎

鹻鹼 麐麟 麤粗 麪麵 麼麽

黴霉 齩咬 齶腭 龡吹 龢和

The post war era also brought change in Japan. It produced simplifications independently from China, and whilst some new standardised simplifications coincide, others are very different indeed. We remain with China and its its simplified hanzi for now, and discuss the strategies used for the simplification of characters.

Next : Hanzi Index

© (c) Copyright Dylan W.H. Sung 2001

This page was created on Saturday 17th February 2001
and last updated on Thursday 22nd February 2001.