Tha Dudeboy aka David Huang-This is the Dudeboy, David Huang. I first met him in the 6th grade, when he first came to America. And man, he was such a FOB. I couldn't communicate with him at all. But as the years passed, and as we got to know each other through the West High band, he grew onto me and soon became one of my closest homies. Always quick to joke and never one to hold a grudge, Dudeboy is a very understanding comrade who has good advice for every situation. I value his opinion very much. Someday, we'll go paint-balling like you always wanted, eh? And don't be fooled by his common-place appearance: Dudeboy is a master of weaponry and a descendant of Japanese Ninjas who guarded the Emperor in his time of need.
Wei-Han Chang-Oh man, this is the Great Wei-Han Chang, future drum major of the West High Entertainment Unit. An excellent concert saxophone player and an academic genious by nature, Wei-Han and I have scaled the pinacles of impossibility, and he has taught me the discipline which I have so sorely lacked. We first met in our summer school Biology class in the eighth grade, and our friendship blossomed through our saxline involvement in the West High band. I have the utmost respect for him, and let it never be said that he made a rule which he didn't obey- his "No Swearing in the Saxline" policy revolutionized saxophone unity within West High. No doubt, he is my homie to the last.
Alex Choy-This here is Da' Ace, one of my best friends who has been with me through just about everything. I met him in Jefferson Middle School in the 6th grade, and he quickly proved to me to be an academic genious as well as a charismatic and energetic figure. Never slow to humor and always ready with a joke in mind, Alex has shown me the perfect balance of yin and yang in this world, the balance between academics and sociality. He is one who always offers me good advice, a caring ear to talk to, and a shoulder to lean on when times get tough. I wouldn't be half the person I am today without him. I owe him more than he could ever possibly know.
Jillian Shigemitsu-Ah, my dearest Jillian. Jill was my band president from 1998 to 1999, and throughout the years she has grown very dear to me. An A-student with a bright future, Jillian is currently attending USC and is dating Brien Wood Sr. Her whimsical quirks and her fantastic smile are always welcome in my house, and I have a lot of fun whenever I see her. Of course, nowadays she's so busy with things that she never even calls to say "hi" anymore. Sigh. It's all good. I still like some extent. :)
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