100's of Hentai Games under $100.


CD $80
Zip Disk $60

To place an order just email us here or here with the following information (see ordering information). Label your email-"REQUEST" otherwise we might not see it We will approve your order via email, after reviewing your request we will notify you (around 48 hours after you send us your request). If we are unable to fill your order we will also notify you.

Ordering Information

Unlike other places we will notify you when we receive your payment and when we ship out your order. Of course payment is due prior to shipment. Cash is fine just hide it in the envelope or if you want to play it safe send a money order (no checks). After your order is approved you will be given a address to send the money. Only send payment AFTER you place your order. This way we don't get payment for un-placed orders. (It's happened before).

In your email include the following:

CD or Zip: