
8/4/98--I put up Part 8 of Coffee. Mina san, gomen nasai, but I couldn't put links at the bottom of this one! It was way too long--I'm still a beginner at this homepage stuff, remember ^_^!

7/2/98--Happy 2nd of July! I put up Part 7 of Coffee ^_^.

6/23/98--I added Parts 4, 5, and 6 of Coffee. Hey, minna! I'm finally starting to figure out how to do this on my own ^_^!

6/17/98--I updated my fan fiction page and added Parts One through Three of Coffee. It's about time!

5/20/98--I really hope that's the date! I added another picture to my fan art gallery. Actually, if you count the one I didn't record yet, there are two new ones. I must be stricken with the artist's curse, because I really can't stand these things...-_-;;;

5/19/98--I added the Unflattering Picture Gallery. I can't help but wonder: Are they really that unflattering ^_^?

5/18/98--I added the shrine page, the update page, and spent a full fifteen minutes staring at my own images!!