Drawings and the like

Some of it's old, some of it's new, but most of it's mine. I tossed the guest section, pics, and toons, and went over the rest, discarding and fixing links. More organized, now working, and hopefully better.

My Art - The archive of my original and fanart for the past four years or so, and probably the only place you'll find any of this stuff. Cut down to less than a third its former size.
Pop-related Art - I've developed a liking to slashing singing, dancing pretty boys.

Also, because they were gifts done specifically for me, we also have:

Wu-chan by Hotaru-senpai - A gift for me from my wonderful senpai!
A Fairy by Utopian Trunks - A gift to me from the wonderful UT!
Omedetou Gozaimasu by Utopian Trunks - A congratultions gift for reaching 5000 hits! UT's own Asa-chan. Isn't she gorgeous?

Disclaimer: All original characters belong to their creators. I claim no ownership of any fanart characters, anime or otherwise. Out of courtesy, please ask before posting images. And please don't link directly to my files? My bandwidth can't handle it.

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