Name: Allison Rose Cheng Nickname: HiFi Class Letter/Semester: Gamma/Spring 1996 Status: Alumni Positions Held: JBoard Member 2000-2001, NBOD Secretary 1998-1999, NBOD Expansion Director 1997-1998, NBOD Historian 1997-1998, Pledge Educator Spring 1998, Co-Secretary 1996-1997 Occupation: Production Assistant Major: Communications Graduation Year: May 1998 Where From: New York City Hobbies/Special Interests: World Travel, Reading, Crafts, and "Organizing things".
Personal Quote: "A strong, goal-oriented, loyal, dedicated, and individualistic Asian-American woman can NEVER be put down. Always fight FOR what you believe in & fight AGAINST what you know is wrong. Never forget your heritage or where you came from, and never lose sight of your goals in life, family, love, education, & sisterhood".