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The Japanese Sword

Site by Chris Husar

Welcome to my page, I will be discussing the history, tradition, and the essence of the soul making of the Japanese Sword.

To some, Thoughts occur within the mind into thinking of a sword as nothing but a barbaric weapon that has no use but for killing.... This is not true.. The Sword was and still is recognized as one of the most cherished arts around. To this day Smiths in Japan and in America, and many other places on the planet still practice the art of sword creation. In order for one to wield a Japanese sword and admire it, even to study the ways of ancient combat with it, One must understand it.. Understand what it stands for, what it stands for to you.. The sword becomes one with you and with the mind. There are who buy swords for decoration, swords such as the phony pot metal blade ones, or some with money buy Live blades and think nothing of it, and to just throw the sword in the garage to say "yeah, I got me one of those!". When a Smith forges a blade he puts his heart and soul into it. It is said that the smith leaves a part of his soul within the blade.

There are many parts to the Japanese sword, not just the blade, but such as "polishing" the blade, The "Habaki" making, the carving of the scabbard, and many other parts there are to the creation of a fully mounted sword, or some with just "Shira-zaya" plain, unfinished wood "white scabbard".

On the following pages I will be talking about the History, preparation, construction,terms used to define Swords and there Smiths, articles about swords made by certain smiths, and other things that deals with Japanese Swords....

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