Solitude swimming across my body,
Meliflously passes current electrifying,
Reviving fineness into the atoms of consciousness,
My vision vivid, void, travels the universe.
Alas! Why?
Alas! Why has this heart become so infatuated?
Oh! Don't be discouraged.
Keep on with the good deeds.
A problem is not suffering,
But suffering is a problem.
We all are confronted with obstacles,
Different and varied in many ways.
Yet you should know
That problems, as far as they go,
Spring from our own attitudes and emotional flows.
People feel they have problems
Even when they are loaded with wealth,
Reputation, social distinction,
Praise, power, and attendants.
Beauty and good looks they have,
Yet deep inside,
They feel dark and hollow.
Drifting they are: lonely and unsettled,
Sometimes confused, distressed, sorrowful, sad,
All hidden inside.