Welcome to Mougelia, site dedicated to mouglez and their homeplanet

Hi, this is my first attempt on building a site and stuff... for the people who don`t know this, my name is Dmoug, or Dennis Mougle Kaptein... Mougelia is supposed to be the home planet of the mougles, but, eerr..., gotta think of something original here..., it was attacked by "Teenage Mutant Ninja Dots" and I had to escape... (really great Dennis, making some story that included creatures that were created in the past week, while mougles are more then a year old and stuff...) (this here is a pic of me)

everyone visiting this site, I beg of you... if you haven`t already, go to the linkz page then click on the Ranma and Akane Forever Project banner, click on the anime showdown thingie downleft on her site, and vote for lilakane`s site... I think it`s better then that Dragonball GT page (ok, I confess... I can`t read nothing on that site) and I want her to win... she`s been a great friend, and she got me to make this site... so pleeze VOTE FOR HER SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sakura, if ya still visit my site... I miss ya... pleeze, read this...

history of the name mougle...
some info of various things of my homecountry...
a page about Aya-con, wich I`ll be going to in octobre...
pleeze, pay attention... my good pals, the tmnd, are looking for "someone"... here`s who...
heroes in my life, from football players to anime characters
a bit about my fave series of books, click here to visit `n stuff
people who visit the Tokyo chatroom know that I`ve got the worst voice on the net, but now I`ve even written some songs and yes, they are as crappy as my voice... so be warned... charts in my life, some really weird and pointless...
the story of my life, mostly cyber-life in the tokyo chatroom in geocities chats, society...
scary scary scary page....
and so, without even trying out these bits of my site, you`ll probably go thinking that you just wasted another few minutes of your precious life, and payed some $$$ for no reason... this ain`t true!! pleeze at least check this stuff out, it might not be such a waste afterall...

Because I`d like to congratulate some people for some stuff, I mad a congratulations page
oh, and maybe I could make some linkz to some sites I think are really cool, or are owned by friends of mine...
Now added is my page about the worldcup
through some weird, evil and unknown way, this site has won an award!! so now my dream of winning the worst site on the net award is kinda over, I`m still kinda happy... here`s the thank you page to all friends, people who supported me, my family and everyone else on that list...
if you read this, then I probably got you to go here, and then you might already know that I`m a big fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion... so there are some pics I scanned on this page here...
and now, totally unexpected, probably the only serious page on this site: the I love Sakura page , I really miss her...

and, since I can`t have a serious site, here is Bassie`s world of weirdness!!

Read & Post Messages in the BoardRoom   Beseen.com some message board I have... no real subject, so feel free to start something yourself

thank you for your time, and pleeze mail me your reactions to my email adress: lovemail, hatemail, reactions, etc..

sign my Guestbook view guestbook

legal bit: any picture on this site ain`t my copyright... they are either drawn by Bassie or taken from other pages... I`m sorry to everyone who would feel hurt or whatever by my actions, pleeze mail me and describe why you are hurt, and I`ll try to change stuff... if you are hurt by any usage of your pictures, or anything that might offend you, I am truly sorry.... have a nice day...

this site is not owned anymore and stuff by: NERV-ALKMAAR

Meet my Chocobo Tania!.

Click HERE to get your own Chocobo!

This The Totally Disordered Webring site is owned by PcK Dmoug.
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Wanna know what kind of data ya need to type to make such a table? click here this is made by that Lood-dude... (and, not I`m sponsored by them or anything, it`s best viewed using Internet Explorer...)

The Anything Goes Ring of Nothing site is owned by Dennis 'Mougle' Kaptein.
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