A Note to Image Thieves

Before anyone reads what I have written below, please take a look at what my niece Ruk has written in her own Note To Image Thieves because what she has written there is exactly what every Kraider, including me, is feeling. I have no wish to repeat ourselves.

A lot of people might be wondering why I don't have an image gallery like every other Bishoujo Senshi SailorMoon web pages all over the net. There are actually two reasons for this:

  1. There are only so few pictures of SailorPluto that are worth putting up; and
  2. Pictures that have been scanned, editted, and uploaded by my nieces have been put up on other web pages without any thought to the efforts that my nieces have been through.
I have seen how hard they have worked in order to create beautiful, meaningful, and original web pages. Some people may not agree with me, but I am very proud of my nieces' accomplishments and I believe that their sites are truly exceptional--even without the image galleries expected from a lot of sites.

Since all web pages based on the SailorMoon series use the same images (having the same sources), my nieces and I have tried to make our pictures different. In fact, as Ruk have written on her note, we have placed our marks on those images. Even the backgrounds have been their trademark. I avoided using backgrounds since I believe this is a very tedious task and I have no wish to burden the designer of this site further. Besides, backgrounds get stolen, as is the case with my niece Jov.

All I ask is that everyone be a little bit civilized and practice whatever netiquette everyone has in himself/herself.

Thank you very much and may God be with you all.

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