The Top Ten Reasons Why Ryouga & Onna-Ranma(Ranko) Make the Best Couple - By FriTz 10.When else do you get to see Ranko with brown hair & glasses? 9. A willing Ryouga beats a frigid Akane any day. 8. Awww....they're just soooo cute together! 7. Ryouga could die from blood loss when he's with any other girl. 6. Ranma would attach a child leash on Ryouga's wrist. 5. Because it riles up the other fan factions.(KTF/WoS/LOR/etc) 4. Saotome's secret pig fetish. 3. Makes for an interesting "menage a trois" with Akane thrown in. 2. Ranko can finally have a P-Chan to snuggle up with at night! And the NUMBER ONE reason why Ranko & Ryouga make the best couple... 1. Transexual children with fangs.