Hello and greetings!
Welcome to the new Animeplanet1 Homepage!

Fall is here!!

It's amazing how this year is almost over!

is the primary planet of the twin planets where my art is located. This planet, Animeplanet1, is where you can see my action art, some sci-fi art, and maybe even a few surprises. AnimeplanetMax2 is where you can see any of my cute art stuff, that could be from cat-girls and cute girls, to some fan art.

Your guide,
Kimi will show you around Animeplanet1 and Miki can show you around Animeplanet Max2. Please feel free to let me know what you think of the new look. If you would also like me to do a pic or two for you let me know, I'll be glad to do it for you.
(No hentai please.)
Other planets to Visit:
Click to visit Animplanet Max2
Click to visit Homebase
Click to see more pics
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