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This page is dedicated to Neon Genesis Evangelion. I think that this anime is one of the best. In this story a bunch of kids, Shinji, Rei, and Asuka have to fight Angels (shito). To fight them they have to use Evangelions, or EVAs. This page will have ifo on everything that has to do Neon Genesis. I will still be uodating this page so keep coming back for new pictures and info on Neon Genesis. Evangelion is one of the best Anime that is around except for Macross. [I think that (i know they won't)the creators should make a new story line for the characters even though Spoiler the third impact already occurred.] If you come here please sign the guestbook so I nknow who comes and to send E-mail to. E-mail me if you have any suggestions or send Evangelion pictures to me. Thank You.

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