



                   AdoptPet.gif (3822 bytes)

This is GAILY's sweet sweet pet room~  You're welcome to adopt(and take good care of~!) any of these CATBOYS(yes, they are MALE~~~~~)~ But please email me and let me know(so I can make a link to your place!)~ ^_^

Oh oh, Those are blueberries~  ^_^///

Meow...  More to come~~~  I promise you~~~



Meow~~~  Please love me~~~~

Nya~  Blond(with blue eyes!) catboy in apron(and his ears and tail are brown...???)~~~  I love aprons~~~ ^_^///

Hmm...  He looks like "Ayano" from "Strawberry Children"(by Haruka Minami).....


Wah~~~~ ////

When the wind blows.....  Ha ha...

Eh...  eh......  This is the H version...  #^_^#



The naughty catboy in blue...   (purple?)



Heh heh heh...  Green looks nice, too...  ^_^|||

(Let me know if you want any other colors~  I can make one especially for you!)


Are you looking at me...?

He's wondering if you want him or not~!

Adopt him~!  He's gentle~!   ^o^


Sleepy....  #$%&@.......

This cat is a bit older... (that's why he's bigger~) About 16 yrs old human age...  (the ones above are all elementary school boys~ ^_^)









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