Anime no Miko's

"Everything Anime" Page

(Wo ai Anime!!! ^.^)

Hey all you anime lovers out there!!! My page is actually being updated! Is that not a miracle or what??? So keep watching for more surprises! Arigato gauzimasu and "Jya!!" ^.^

~ "Youki Anime" aka "Anime no Miko"

Due to excessive pics...pages may take a "little while" to download...

so please be patient and grab a snack!!! Hey, may be worth it to wait, neh? :)

Starring.... 1) Fushigi Yuugi created by Yu Watase

2) Neon Genesis Evangelion created by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto

3) Yû Yû Hakushocreated by Yoshihiro Togashi

4) And others to come soon!!!
5) Dragonball/DBZ
6)  Rurouni Kenshin
7)  Bakuretsu Hunters
8)  Marmalade Boy
9)  Magic Knights Rayearth
10)  ......
! Visit my mirror site 4 manga !

Anime's Links-A-Lot
Visit other sites that I've given the thumbs-up 2!


As I get more into my website, I'll be sure to add loads more and feel free to e-mail me any constructive criticisms, advice, pics, letters, and etcs...

!!! But please leave out any youkais, Evas, Tasukis, tessans...U get the pic, since
they tend to make *ahem* trouble and cause merry chaos everywhere they go!
Hmmm...fitting Tasuki in an E-mail...hehehehehehehe...^v^ !!!



Hey guys!!! Thanx a bunch for stopping by!!! If you have any questions/comments/replies that you want to go public, here's the place to do it!!! Sign on in!!! And BTW...ANY comments at all would be appreciated!

The Guestbook...

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And...Surprise!!! You made "Everything Anime" history!!!

That's the spirit!!!



All the anime titles I've mentioned are property of the
producers and creators -- Yu Watase, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto,
Yoshihiro Togashi, Akira Toriyama, etc.
This also includes their manga publishers!!!
Any copying/repro./or distribution is illegal!
Please do not remove any materials from this site w/t my permission!
This site is for the sole purpose of personal entertainment --
nothing more. Enjoy!!!

Notes from Anime on Anime's MagiBoard... Notes from Anime on Anime's MagiBoard... 

In Association with has some pretty neat anime-related stuff! Take a look! ^.^ What do they have? They have the Fushigi Yugi VHS series (d/s), the Suzaku DVD boxed set! (Wo ai!!!), Evangelion VHS (d/s), a ton of Dragonball stuff, and even my fave mangas and anime music! And that's only some of the goodies they have. Great service, good prices (can't beat direct though!), and a HUGE selection! Visit my "Member's Page" too for my anime and non-anime-related reviews and more about myself! ~ Anime no Miko